1. Russia and Great Britain in Iran (1900-1914)
پدیدآورنده : by Hossien Nazem
موضوع : Russia-- For. rel.-- Iran,GT. Brit.-- For. rel.-- Iran,Iran-- For. rel.-- Russia,Iran-- For. rel.-- Gt. Brit
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
2. Russian and Great Britain in Iran (1900 - 1914) Based British, French, German, Iranian, Russian, and the United States Diplomatic Documents
Author: / By Hossein Nazem,Nazem
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Russia -- For. rel. -- Iran,Gt. Brit -- For. rel. -- Iran,Iran -- For. rel. -- Russia,Iran -- For. rel. -- Gt. Brit
Classification :

3. The Persian problem; an examination of the rival positions of Russia and Great Britain in Persia, with some account of the Persian gulf and the Bagdad railway
Author: by H. J. Whigham...
Library: Library of Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Iran-- For. rel.-- Gt. Brit,GT. Brit.-- For. rel.-- Iran,Iran-- For. rel.-- Russia,Russia-- For. rel.-- Iran,Eastern question (central Asia),Russia-- Asiatic relations,Bagdad railway,Aisa, Western-- Politics,Persian Gulf
Classification :